Know Your Purpose & How to Fulfill It in 600 Words career assessment career coaching midlife passion purpose scripture Jul 31, 2020


The Wrong Question

According to research we did with the Barna Group, only 11% of self-identified Christians know their purpose! 22% said that they had no idea. The rest said things like, “Be a great parent to my children” or “Be a loving husband.” Unfortunately,...

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Major Change Coming: Public School or Homeschool? career assessment homeschool mentorship parent assessment Jun 03, 2020


Survey Results Indicating Major Positive Impact on Homeschooling

In a recent RealClear Opinion Research Survey, 40% of families are more likely to homeschool when lockdown restrictions lift. Kerry McDonald, author of Unschooled, said last week that an EdChoice survey revealed “more...

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Where Is the Meaning in Your Job? It’s Time to Ponder It. career assessment career change career test job change Mar 25, 2020

Frustrated in Your Job?

John’s childhood was spent getting ready for his 30+ year career. He had some successes if you consider temporary highs from being quoted in articles, featured on magazine covers, making good money, or even being mentioned in books. However, the highs eventually wore...

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How Mentors Supercharge Your Career career assessment career path mentor mentoring mentorship wealth management Mar 04, 2020

Everyone Needs a Mentor and Can Be a Mentor

I don’t care what area of life we are talking about, getting advice can help. At my age 65, I still ask for advice, especially in areas in which I have little experience. When I started in wealth management, I actually had two mentors helping me...

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What You Know About Habit Formation is Wrong! career assessment career change career success habit formation habits tiny habits Feb 26, 2020

New Research About Habits from BJ Fogg, PhD, Stanford University

When I was doing research for our Life Coaching, I really wanted to understand behavior change, especially the habit formation part. I’d read and heard about habits being formed in 21 days but could not find any research...

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Career Assessment Revolution - The Newer Science is Much Better!! career assessment career coaching new job new life new purpose Feb 19, 2020


New Career Assessment Approach Explained My Frustration 

I was struggling in guiding the company I sold in 2017, and it took almost 30 years to figure out why? The bottom line was that I was in the wrong career given the gifts that God had given me. Yes, I was good at math, economics...

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